Melt Clarification System Design Criteria for Sugar Refinery Process

Syrup Clarification Design for Plantation white sugar manufacturing

In this article explained about the design criteria of syrup and melt clarification system required equipment capacity like buffer tank, melt heater, reaction vessel, aeration vessel, chemical holding and dosing tanks, dosing pumps capacity, pipe lines and flotation clarifier. Also provided online calculator for Syrup and melt clarification system chemical dosing.

The fundamental concepts Melt and Syrup Clarification systems given in the below link

Syrup Clarification System & Melt Clarification System in sugar Industry

Here we calculate syrup clarification system for 5000TCD plant (210TCH).

1.Buffer tank Capacity

It is required holding capacity of 30 to 40 minutes retention time. Buffer tank helps to maintain the constant flow of liquor (syrup or melt).

Here we take plant capacity 5000TCD

S.NO  Particulars  Values UOM
1  Crushing rate  210 TCH
2  Syrup Brix  60 Brix
3  Syrup % cane  25 %
4  Density of syrup  1.2 gm/ml
5  Flow rate of syrup  25% on cane
     210 x 25%  
     52.5 T/hr
     52.5 / 1.2  
     43.75 M3/hr
     0.012153 M3/sec
6 Buffer tank capacity (35 min.)  0.012153 x 35 x 60  
     25.5 M3

2. Syrup or Melt heater

The material heated upto 80 to 85oC by using tubular heater or direct contact heater.

Heating surface calculation for tubular juice heater


S \times K = M \ \times Cp \ \times \ Log_{e} \frac{(Tv - ti)}{(Tv - to)}


S = Heat transfer surface area in m2

M= Quantity of material to be heating  kg/hr

Cp = Specific heat of material in Kcal/kg/oC.

ΔT = Temperature difference from inlet to outlet of the heated material in oC

ΔTm = LMTD = Log Mean Temperature Difference.

K = Overall heat transfer Coefficient Kcal/m2/hr/oC = 6 x Tv x [U / 1.8] 0.8

Tv = Heating vapour temperature

ti / to = syrup or melt inlet/outlet temperature.

U = velocity of syrup in tubes.

Here we consider some values for calculation.

S.NO  Particulars Values UOM
1  Crushing rate 210 TCH
2  Syrup Brix 60 Brix
3   Syrup % cane 25 %
4  Flow rate of syrup 210 x 25%  
    52.5 T/hr
    52500 Kg/hr
5  Vapour inlet temperature (Tv) 102 oC
6  Velocity of syrup (U ) 1.2 m/sec
7  Specific heat of syrup(Cp) 0.65 Kcal/kg/oC
8  Syrup Inlet temperature 60 oC
9  Syrup Outlet temperature 85 oC
10  Heat transfer coefficient 6 x 102 x (1.2/1.8 ) 0.8  
    442 Kcal/m2/oC/hr
11  Heating Surface 52500 x 0.65 x ln[(102-60)/(102-85)] / 442
    69.83 m2

For design of the tubular heater according to heating surface go through the below link

Tubular juice heater design calculation with online calculator.

For design of the direct contact heater go through the below link

Formulas for Design Direct Contact Heater (DCH) with Online calculation Sheet.

Reaction and Aeration Vessel : The retention time of the reaction vessel consider 4 to 5 minutes retention time with agitator for uniform mixing. The RPM of the agitator maintained 60 to 90.

1  Flow rate of syrup 43.75 M3/hr
    0.012153 M3/sec
2  Reaction vessel holding volume (4.5 min) 0.012153 x4.5 x 60  
    3.28131 M3
3  Aeration  vessel holding volume (1.5 min) 0.012153 x1.5 x 60  
    1.1 M3

Flotation Clarifier :

The Flotation clarifier holding volume calculated on the basis of retention time. It will be provided 35 minutes and height of the clarifier having 1.7 to 1.75 mtrs. Center well of the clarifier height having 150mm to 200mm less then the clarifier height with 2 to 2.5 minutes retention. Liquor outlet coil Dia calculate on the basis of velocity 0.3 to 0.4 m/sec. Perforated holes to be provided below the coil and its number calculated on the basis of coil cross sectional area (To be take 100 to 120% on coil cross section area).

S.NO  Particulars Values UOM
1  Flow rate of syrup or melt 43.75 M3/hr
    0.012153 M3/sec
2  Flotation Clarifier holding volume (35 min) 0.012153 x35 x 60
    25.52 M3
3  Height of the clarifier 1.7 to 1.75 mtrs
4  Dia of the clarifier SQRT [(25.52/ (0.785 x 1.75 )]
    4.310 mtrs
5  Center well ( melt inlet well)  
6  Volume of center well (2.5min.) 0.012153 x 2.5 x 60
    1.82295 M3
7  Height of the center well 150mm less then clarifier height
8  Dia of the center well SQRT [(1.82/ (0.785 x 1.60 )]
    1.205 mtrs
9  Melt outlet Coil Dia    
10  Velocity in Outlet coil 0.3 m/sec  
11  Coil Dia 0.012153 / 0.3  
    0.04051 m2
    SQRT [(0.04051/ (0.785)]
    0.227167549 mtr
   Say 250 mm
12  Opening area for coil 120% on coil cross sectional area
    (0.785 x 0.250 x 0.250) 120%
    0.058875 m2
13  Each hole dia consider 25 mm
    0.0004906 m2
14  Number holes required 120  

Chemical Dosing and its pumps capacity calculation:

S.No  Description Values UOM Remarks
1  Crushing Rate 210 TCH  
2  Syrup brix 60 %  
3  Syrup % cane 25 %  
4  Colour Precipitant (CP) 200 PPM  150 to 200 ppm
5  Phosphoric Acid Dosing ( in P2 O5) 150 PPM  150 to 300 ppm
6  Flocculent Dosing 14 PPM  10 to 15 ppm
7  P2 O5 % in given H3PO4 65 %  
8  Density of  H3PO 1689 kg/M3  
9  Density CP 1.16 gm/ml  
10  Syrup Flow Rate 52.5 T/hr Crushing rate x Syrup % cane
11  Solids in syrup 31.5 T/hr Liquor flow Rate x Liquor brix%
   In the same way calculate solids in melt for melt clarification system
Colour Precipitant
1  Colour Precipitant required 6.3 Kg/hr Solids in syrup x CP in PPM
2  Density CP 1.16 gm/ml  
    5.43 Lt/hr 6.3 / 1.16
3  CP Pump Capacity required 10 Lt/hr without dilution
    100 Lt/hr With 10% dilution
Phosphoric Acid
1  Phosphoric Acid (in P2O5) required 4.725 Kg/hr Solids in syrup x P2O5 in PPM
2  Phosphoric Acid (in H3PO4) required 7.27 Kg/hr Phosphoric Acid (in P2O5) / (P2 O5 % in given H3PO4)
3  Phosphoric Acid (H3PO4) required 4.30 Ltrs/hr 7.27 / 1.689
4  Acid Pump Capacity required 10 Lt/hr Without dilution
    100 Lt/hr With 10% dilution
1  Flocculent  required 0.441 Kg/hr Solids in syrup x Floc. in PPM
   Flocculent Dosing (0.1% concentartion)
2  Flocculent solution quantity 441.0 Lts/hr 0.441 / 0.1%
3  Flocculent pump capacity 661.5 Lts/hr 150% on 441
Lime Sucrate
   1 Kg of P2 O5 required 1.2 kg of Cao
1  Cao required 5.67 Kg of Cao/hr Phosphoric Acid in P2O5 x 1.2 ( 4.725 x 1.2)
2  Milk of lime Brix 14 %  
3  Cao Concentration @ 14 brix 75 gm/1000ml  
4  MOL % in Lime Sucrate 25 %  
5  MOL required 63 Ltrs/ hr 4.725  x 1000 / 75
6  Lime Sucrate required 252 Ltrs/ hr 63 / 25%
7  Lime Sucrate pump capacity 378 Ltrs/ hr 150% on 252
    400 Ltrs/ hr  

Chemical preparation and holding tanks capacity calculation

 Colour Precipitant Dosing tank
 Colour Precipitant required 5.4 Lt/hr  
2  Colour Precipitant Dosing tank capacity 54.3 Lt/hr For 10 hrs
   Consider 200 Ltrs Without dilution
    500 Lt With 10% dilution
Phosphoric Acid dosing tank
1  Phosphoric Acid (in H3PO4) required 4.30 Lt/hr  
2  Phosphoric Acid Dosing tank capacity 43 Lt/hr For 10 hrs
   Consider 200 Ltrs Without dilution
    500 Lt With 10% dilution
Flocculent preparation and holding tank capacity
1  Flocculent solution quantity 441 Lts/hr  
2  Flocculent preparation tank 2646 Ltrs/ 6hrs  
3  Flocculent Holding tank 2910.6 Lts 10% extra on preparation tank
Lime Sucrate preparation and holding tank capacity
1  Lime Sucrate required 250 Ltrs/ hr
2  Lime Sucrate preparation tank 2000 Ltrs/ 8 hrs
3  Lime Sucrate Holding tank 2200 Ltrs/ hr 10% extra on preparation tank

Online Calculator for Chemical Dosing Calculation for Syrup and Melt Clarification Systems

Click Here


Syrup Clarification Design for Plantation white sugar manufacturing | Melt Clarification System Design Criteria for Sugar Refinery Process | Fundamental concepts of syrup and melt clarification systems in sugar industry process| Melt Clarification System Design Criteria for Sugar Refinery Process | Syrup Clarification Design for Plantation white sugar manufacturing

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Post Author: siva alluri

The aim of this Blog "sugarprocesstech" is Providing basic to advance knowledge in sugar process industry and providing maximum calculation regarding capacity and equipment design online calculators .

20 thoughts on “Melt Clarification System Design Criteria for Sugar Refinery Process

    Neeraj kumar rajput

    (May 10, 2018 - 7:23 pm)

    please upload the calculation of ion exchange colu

      siva alluri

      (May 13, 2018 - 4:49 pm)

      Mr. Neeraj kumar rajput
      We will try to provide ion exchange calculation

    Narayan Mahana

    (June 30, 2018 - 6:20 am)

    Pl.upload the calculation for spray pond pipeline.

    Prashant sharma

    (July 11, 2018 - 5:55 pm)

    please upload the air requiment calculation in melt or syrup clarification system.

    brijendra singh

    (July 15, 2018 - 5:14 pm)

    pls ,upload air req.during areation in melt and syrup clarification system

    Uday Pratap Singh

    (April 9, 2019 - 10:24 am)

    semikestner tube length 6.0 meter ,used conventional body (tube length 2.0meter)with s.kestner.


    (April 10, 2019 - 12:35 pm)

    Please upload calculation of filtrate clarification system

    Pradeep saxena
    Chief process Manager
    Twenty one sugar Latur

      siva alluri

      (April 13, 2019 - 5:33 pm)

      OK sir we upload soon regarding the FCS calculation

    Uday Pratap Singh(A.G.M.Process Havalga unit)

    (May 24, 2019 - 5:05 am)

    Sir, Syrup cooling Arrangement calculation from 50 tonne syrup at 60 degree brix ,temp 65 degree to cool 32 degree and water inlet temp is 29 degree .please help cooling arrangement cooling surface in this respect.

    Amarjeet Yadav

    (June 25, 2019 - 5:56 am)

    Dear Sir,
    Please update V.C.P Pan detail and working and proses .

    ankit kumar

    (January 2, 2021 - 2:21 pm)

    you can mail me for vany query regarding calculation


    (November 12, 2021 - 2:21 am)

    please give calculation of lime sucrate preparation. how much water/cao/sugar solids in 1 kg of lime sucrate.

      siva alluri

      (January 2, 2022 - 9:13 am)

      50% water, 25% lime at 10 Be, 25% melt at 65 brix


    (February 27, 2022 - 6:44 am)

    This is to much important for to designed or modification, alteration in process House. very help full.
    I request to seniors please give major points which related to Melt Liquor to clear , Deep bed filter and fine liquor.
    all employees prays for you who will share the basic knowledge. specially chemists.

    Mir Riaz Ahmed Talpur


    (February 27, 2022 - 6:51 am)

    Seniors and Director/Specialist, sugar Technologies .
    I request to you please work on Talo process clarification, just from Remelt liquor to fine liquor, all equipment calculate and designed, all applied chemicals preparation and holding tnaks, applied chemicals PPM, using method. retention time of remelt-clear-fine liquor tanks and Talo-clarifier Deep bed filters capacity and retention time calculation, all gravels sizes with area and height as per diameter. color removl %, brix, temperatures all basic points upload on this web site.
    please help to all employees of sugar mills who belong to process, or production department.

    Mir Riaz Ahmed Talpur………Chemist


    (May 28, 2024 - 6:44 am)

    Refinery Melt Clarification system
    what is the capacity of scum tank
    What is the percentage of scum quantity

      Siva Alluri

      (June 24, 2024 - 2:09 pm)

      Scum quantity will be around 40Ltrs /Ton of sugar

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