Sugar Industry Equipment Design and Drawing Calculations
- Phosphoric Acid(H3PO4) in sugar process industry and online calculator.
- Tubular juice heater design calculator.
- Online calculator for inlet vapour line dia calculation for juice heater.
- Condensate or Duplex Heater online calculation sheet.
- Direct Contact Heater (DCH) design Online calculator.
- Juice sulphitor and juice defecator design calculator. Calculation of retention time, dia of the reaction vessel, SO2 gas distribution system, shock lime connection etc.
- Flocculant solution preparation and dosing requirements with online calculator.
- Juice Clarifier Flash Tank design online calculation sheet. ( parameters like dia of the flash tank, juice inlet and out line sizing, flash vent pipe sizing ..etc.).
- Chemical Dosing Calculation sheet for Syrup Clarification System & Melt Clarification System.
- Multiple Effect Evaporator bodies like Quadruple& Quintuple effect pressure drops online calculator.
- Online steam table for saturated steam.(enthalpy, sensible heat , latent heat, total heat, Specific volume)
- Online calculator for inlet and outlet vapour line dia calculation for evaporator body.
- Robert Evaporator body Design online calculation sheet with formulas.
- Steam % cane and heating surface of the individual evaporator bodies in multiple effect evaporator online calculation sheet.
- Condensate Receiving & Condensate Flash Recovery tank design online calculation sheet
- Online Calculator to estimate circulation pump capacity in Falling Film Evaporator
- Liquid volume calculator for vertically mounted cylindrical tank partitioned portion.
- Vacuum crystallizer volume calculator for different sight glass levels.
- C massecuite purity calculation | C grain dropping and C massecuite final purity calculation with required molasses quantity in batch and continuous pan.
- B massecuite purity online calculation sheet | Grain and molasses ratio calculation for B continuous pan.
- Online calculator for slurry dosing calculation in pan boiling.
- Batch pan Graining volume calculator
- Refined sugar massecuite boiling – Colour, Purity and Solid balance
Centrifugal and Sugar House
- Online calculator for requirement of super heated wash water system (SHWW ) for batch centrifugal machines.
- Calculation sheet for Pan Section Vapour Header calculation .
- Calculation sheet for Pan Vapour inlet and outlet line calculation .
- Batch centrifugal machine capacity and its gravity factor online calculator.
- Sugar melter online calculation sheet
Sugar Lab (QC & Chemical Control)
- Sugar Industry boiling house stock online calculation sheet ( Available Sugar and Available Molasses).
- Sugar process industry Daily Manufacturing Report (DMR) Online calculation sheet.
Other calculators
- Pump NPSH calculation, suction and delivery lines head loss online calculation sheet.
- Online calculator for Economizer heating surface and Its Outlet Flue Gas Temperature Calculation in thermal power plants.
- Circle segment area online calculation sheet.
- Centrifugal Pump power online calculation sheet
- Ethanol yield online calculation from different feed stocks in sugar process
- Pump Power calculation calculator