Affinity laws for centrifugal pumps | positive displacement pump affinity laws | affinity laws energy savings | pump affinity laws example with calculator

Pump Affinity Laws for Centrifugal and Positive displacement pumps

Affinity Laws Energy Savings | Pump Affinity Law Online Calculator Pump Affinity Laws: The pump speed, head, and flow relationships are expressed by the affinity laws. These laws are mathematical expressions that define changes in pump Brake horsepower (BHP), head and capacity when a change is made to pump speed, impeller diameter, or both. Affinity […]

The Sugar Technologists' Association of India (STAI) seminars - sugarprocesstech

STAI 2021 – 79 Annual Convention & International Sugar Expo 2021

The Sugar Technologists Association of India | STAI 2021 The Sugar Technologist Association of India ( STAI 2021 )  conducts an impotent event – 79th Annual Convention and Sugar Expo 2021   Seminar Date  and Venue : 04-05 October 2021, at National Sugar Institute, Kanpur, India Conventional Highlights: 1 . This convention is one of […]

Vapour pressure definition | Vapour pressure of water at different temperatures from 0 oC to 370 oC | Vapour pressure head of liquids calculation for NPSH

Vapour pressure of water | Water Vapour Pressure temperature chart

Water Vapour Pressure Table at Different temperatures Vapour pressure definition: It is the pressure exerted by the saturated vapour in contact with the surface of the liquid at that temperature. Vapour pressure is also called the vapour tension Vapour pressure of water Concept: All liquids have a tendency to evaporate when exposed to atmosphere. The […]

Classification of pumps based on fluid mechanics | Types of pumps and their working principles and applications | Classification of Dynamic Pumps - Centrifugal Pumps and Vertical Pumps – Radial Flow, Mixed Flow , Axial Split-Case Pumps, Line-shaft Pumps, Submersible Pumps | Classification of Displacement Pumps - Reciprocating pumps, Rotary pumps, Pneumatic pumps – Plunger / piston type pumps, Diaphragm pumps, Rotary Lobe Pumps, Progressive Cavity Pumps, Screw Pumps

Classification of pumps | Types of pumps and their working principles

Types of Pumps and their working principles with applications Generally Pumps classification done on the basis of its mechanical configuration and their working principle. Classification of pumps mainly divided into two major categories: 1.. Dynamic pumps / Kinetic pumps 2. Displacement Pumps / Positive displacement pumps Dynamic Pumps Dynamic pumps impart velocity and pressure to […]
