Know About the Different Types of Sugars Available
Generally 17 types of sugars are available.
This obtained from milk
This sugar obtained from wood
This sugar is obtained from grapes.
This sugar is obtained from fruits.
This sugar is obtained from malt.
Candy sugar:
The sugar obtained by melting, filtration and crystallization of white sugar. Its Size having 2 to 5cm
Raw sugar:
This sugar obtained from sugar cane by defecation process. Only lime used for its purification.
Pol – 96.5%
Colour – 700 to 1500 IU (IU is international units for sugar colour. i.e ICUMSA – International Commission for Uniform Methods of Sugar Analysis)
Uses – it is used for production of refine sugar or direct human consumption.
Plantation White Sugar:
This sugar obtained from sugar cane by double Sulphitation process. Lime and sulphur dioxide gas used for its purification.
Pol – 99%
Colour – less than 150 IU
Uses – it is used for food and beverages.
Plantation white sugar making process
Refined Sugar:
This Sugar obtained by purification of raw sugar.
Pol – 99.9%
Colour – less than 45 IU
Uses – it is used for food and beverage in medical formation as a chemical.
Cube Sugar:
Refined sugar is can be form readily soluble in water, but do not break during packing.
Size of sugar – 2 to 5cm
Uses – it is used for food in Star hotels.
Icing sugar:
Finally powered white sugar or refined sugar mixes with 5 to 6 % of starch.
Uses – This is used in Decoration of Bakery.
Invert Sugar:
The inversion of plantation white sugar either by acid or enzymes gives 1:1 molar mixed of Glucose and fructose.
Organic Sugar:
This sugar obtained from sugarcane which has cultivated without use of any chemical and fertilizers.
Khandasari Sugar:
This manufacturing process is similar to white sugar. This is produced by open boiling, crystals are minute.
Pol – 99.0%
Colour – 400 to 800 IU
Uses – Sharp odor used for preparation of sweets.
Caramel Sugar:
This is syrup of sugar. It is obtained by heating in mixture of sugar and Malt, Glucose, and other Nitrogenous substance.
Uses – it is used in Bakery, Confectionary, Beverages and sweet meats.
Gur / Jaggery:
This is mainly sucrose. It contains upto 12% of Glucose 7 Fructose. It is also contains Minerals including iron.
This almost completely on invert sugar (Glucose & Fructose having 1:1 ratio), 26%sucrose, essential oil and hence its flavor.
Some important articles
In this sugar article mainly discus about what is refined sugar,Refined sugar making process, and refined sugar specifications.
Explained what is jaggery or Gur, flow chart steps in jaggery making process, and also discussed about Organic Jaggery Vs commercial jaggery.
Liquid Sugar Manufacturing Process from sugar cane | Liquid Sucrose (It is almost all sucrose generally at 67% solids) | Liquid Invert (It has 76% solids out of that 55% invert sugar remaining percent having sucrose.)
Specialty sugar products Like Cube sugar | Candy sugar | Fondant sugars
Specialty sugars products Like, Brown or soft sugar,Liquid sugars, Confectioner sugar (Powder sugar or Instant sugar), Cube sugar (Nib sugar, Loaf Sugar, Candy sugar (White candy, Brown Candy, Rock Candy sugar, Fondant sugars
In this article explained about definitions of Brown sugar, its different making methods and also given its classification and specifications of different grades of brown sugar. And finally compare the white and brown sugars.
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