Pump Efficiency and Pump Power Calculation Formulas with Examples

Pump Power Calculation Formula | Specific speed of a centrifugal pump

In this article discussed about pump basic formulas with examples like pump power calculation formula, specific speed of centrifugal pump and affinity laws for centrifugal and displacement pumps. Also provided online calculator for pump power calculation Pump Efficiency and Pump Power Calculation Formulas with Examples Efficiency and Input Power of the Pump The work performed […]

Affinity laws for centrifugal pumps | positive displacement pump affinity laws | affinity laws energy savings | pump affinity laws example with calculator

Pump Affinity Laws for Centrifugal and Positive displacement pumps

Affinity Laws Energy Savings | Pump Affinity Law Online Calculator Pump Affinity Laws: The pump speed, head, and flow relationships are expressed by the affinity laws. These laws are mathematical expressions that define changes in pump Brake horsepower (BHP), head and capacity when a change is made to pump speed, impeller diameter, or both. Affinity […]
