Formulas for Calculating Sugar Industry Daily Manufacturing Report (DMR) With Simple Online Calculator
Fundamental formula :
Input = output
Cane + Added water = Gross mixed juice + bagasse
If the cane is 100 then 100 + Added water% cane = M. J. % cane + Bag. % cane.
Drit correction % M.Jc
Quantity of Drit in MT = Gross mixed juice x Drit correction % M.Jc
Net M.Jc in MT = Gross mixed juice – Qty of Drit in MT
( Note: Here to take Net M.Jc in MT)
Sugar balance :
Sugar (pol) in cane =Sugar (pol) in mixed juice + Sugar (pol) in bagasse
Sugar (pol) % cane = Sugar (pol) in M.jc % cane + Sugar (pol) in Bagasse%cane
Mill Extraction (M E).
The quantity of sugar extracted in the mixed juice per 100 sugar in cane i.e. percentage of sugar extracted in the mixed juice out of total sugar in cane.
Fibre % Bagasse :
Bagasse = fiber + Moisture + Brix
Fiber= Bagasse – Moisture – Brix
If bag =100 Then, fibre % bag = 100 – moist %bag – Brix % bagasse
Moisture % bag & Pol% Bag. are determined directly by analysis of bagasse.
Brix% Bagasse
While determining brix % bagasse, it is assumed that purity of residual juice in bagasse is same as purity of the last expressed juice.
Fiber % cane:
Added water%fiber
Reduced Mill extraction :
Noel Deer and Mittal
Noel Deer proposed formula to reduce the extraction to common basis of 12.5% fiber, which is called Reduced Mill Extraction (RME Noel Deer)
For unit juice in cane ‘e’ is mill extraction.
Then juice loss in bagasse will be (1 – e )
Assume that unit cane contains ‘f’ fiber, then unit cane contains (1-f) juice.
Therefore juice lost per unit cane will be (1-e) (1-f).
The unit cane contains ‘f’ fiber. Therefore juice lost in bagasse per unit of fiber will
- Pbc = Pol in Bag. % cane,
- Pc = Pol% Cane,
- Fc = Fiber. % Cane.
Clarification Factor:
Good clarification means better sugar, less losses, and unsatisfactory clarification means (results in) production of inferior quality of sugar with poor keeping quality and higher manufacture losses.
N .S. in M.J.% cane = Bx.% M.J. x M.J.% cane – Pol% M.J. x M.J. % cane.
Pol in CJ % cane = Pol in M.J. % cane – Pol in F.C. % cane.
N.S. in C.J. % cane = C.J.% cane – Pol in CJ % cane
Non-sugars removal %cane = Non-sugars in M.J. % cane – Non-sugar in c.Jc % cane
Clarification Factor = 100 – Clarification efficiency
Theoretical Final Molasses % cane :
Non Sugars % F.M = Brix % F.M – Pol % F.M
Expected Recovery
S = Purity Of final product(sugar)
J = M.Jc Purity
M = Final Molasses Purity
Expected Recovery = Pol in C.Jc % cane x SJM factor – Unknown losses (Note:Here to be take estimated unknown losses )
Pol balance
Pol % cane =Pol in M.J.% cane+ Pol in Bag % Cane
(Note : Here to be take Theoretical Final Molasses % cane)
(Note : Sugar % cane means recovery%cane )
Total Losses =Pol % cane – Pol in Sugar % cane.
Total Losses = Losses in (Bag. + F.C + F.M. + Unknown)
Unknown losses = Total losses – Determined losses
Unknown losses = Total losses – Losses in (Bag. + F.C + F.M.) (Note: It may differ 0.01 to 0.02 from estimated unknown losses)
Boiling House Control
E.S.G ( Equivalent Standard Granulated) Factor :
a) The term Standard Granulated used to indicate the finest commercial product and considered as equivalent to pure sugar
b) The term E.S.G is used to indicate the finess of the commercial sugar and denoted by sugar(product) in very clean form. The commercial sugar is expressed in terms of standard granulate.
c) E.S.G form for commercial sugar apply S-J-M formula where S=100, M= actual purity of molasses and J= purity of sugar.
Boiling House Recovery (BHR)
The value of ration of sucrose (pol) in commercial sugar produced to the sucrose (pol) in mixed juice.
Basic boiling house recovery (BBHR):
The theoretical Boiling House Recovery as calculated by S-J-m formula in which J in purity of M.J. and S=100 and m=28.57
Reduced Boiling House Recovery (Noel Deerr)
Where Mv =Virtual Final molasses purity
Where R = BHR = sugar in pol % cane / Pol in M.Jc %cane
J= M.Jc Purity (Unit value)
Reduced Boiling House Recovery (Gundurao)
Where r = BHR
K = N.S. in clear juice % cane / M.J.% cane
M = Final molasses purity
J = M.Jc Purity
In the next revision of the article will provide all formulas related to chemical control calculation.
Online calculation sheet for Daily Manufacturing Report (DMR) in sugar process industry
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