Humidity, Relative Humidity, Absolute Humidity, Specific Humidity, Dew Point

Humidity is not just a meteorological phenomenon but a critical parameter that significantly impacts various processes, from manufacturing to product quality control. In this article, we’ll delve into the basics, detailed explanations, and formulas of water vapor, absolute humidity, relative humidity, specific humidity, and dew point. Also provides their differences to make learning engaging and […]

Design specification of cooling system | Differences between of spray pond and cooling tower | Cooling System Efficiency Formula | Types of cooling system

Water Cooling System | Difference Between Cooling Tower and Spray Pond

In this article explained about Terms in cooling system,  Design specification of cooling system and formula for Cooling System Efficiency. Finally discussed about difference between spray pond and cooling tower Design specification of cooling system | Cooling Tower | Spray Pond Condensing and cooling system plays a major role in sugar industry process house. Essential Terms […]
